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Lead Generation Report Highlights Content, Integration and Analytics

Post by TSL
November 25, 2013
Lead Generation Report Highlights Content, Integration and Analytics

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Many businesses lack the technology to automate their marketing, targeted advertising and data analysis, according to the 2013 Lead Generation Marketing Effectiveness Study by research firm Lenskold Group. Most businesses that do employ lead-generation technology aren't getting the most out of their programs. Top-tier marketers are succeeding largely because of strong content marketing practices and high-impact automation.

The takeaway is part strategic and part technical. Based on Google algorithm changes, consumer preference and a number of other variables, quality content is now the engine that drives inbound marketing. Marketers that experience the best success measure and track their leads, allocating more resources toward profitable avenues.

The report surveyed 3,233 B2B lead generation marketers, and it offers thoughtful insights for businesses hoping to boost their sales streams.

Focus on Content

As inbound marketing proves to be a more effective way to generate leads, elite companies are getting serious about their content. The study revealed highly effective marketers target content toward a specific audience versus, just 17 percent of less effective marketers who employ this strategy. If a shipping firm is trying to attract clients in the grocery industry, for example, it may produce content that examines how shorter transit times can cut down costs by delivering fresher products to retailers. Just 53 percent of marketers indicate that "educating prospects on solving needs" is a a strength, so about half of B2B marketers could boost their content strategies.

Leads Scoring Has Value

Marketers who prioritize big fish usually catch them. Fifty-seven percent of highly effective marketers cite lead scoring as a primary revenue driver from content marketing compared to just 26 percent on less efficient marketers. Lead scoring concentrates on the best prospects, which leads to higher revenue. Marketers can only know which prospects usually turn into sales if they have data that captures engagement. Marketing automation software, which not only nurtures leads but also measures the success of marketing campaigns, is imperative for companies that want to employ lead scoring. A lead score should include an estimation of how likely you are to land a prospect coupled with how much business the prospect can provide. Prioritize the warmest, richest leads and gear your marketing toward similar companies.

ROI Marketing Demands Analysis

It's not enough to follow trends anymore. Top-performing marketers tailor their campaigns based on data from previous clients. More than two-thirds of companies with integrated marketing automation measure engagement and sales conversion outcomes from content marketing, compared to just one-third of those without automation. Digital agency iAcquire monitors its native blog content, guest blog content and other presentations to determine what get potential clients interested and what gets them to sign up. These detailed metrics get more clear as more data piles up. It's not enough to throw darts at a board. Experiment, measure and tweak based on the results. Customer relationship management (CRM) software helps your firm measure campaigns and build a more informed marketing strategy.

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