Receive a Digital Advertising Assessment

To find out how effective your current digital ad efforts are, sign up for a complimentary Digital Advertising Waste Assessment with a TSL Marketing expert around Google and/or LinkedIn advertising.

71% of marketers feel their digital B2B advertising fails to meet expectations.*

TSL's assessment will provide:

  1. An overview of best practices
  2. Guidance on campaign set up and execution
  3. Suggestions on how to modify campaigns that aren't performing well
  4. Your company must be investing a minimum of $2,000 per month in digital ads to qualify for this assessment

The TSL team will follow up with you about next steps to set up your Assessment. Then, TSL's SEM/PPC experts will perform a high-level assessment of your current ad account(s) and campaign set up on Google and/or LinkedIn.

*Source: TSL Marketing 2019 Digital Ad Waste Survey

Includes: ​​​​​​

Google Analysis  LinkedIn Analysis
♦ Keyword set up ♦ Audience targeting and expansion
♦ Search terms ♦ Use of segments
♦ Negative keywords ♦ Bidding efficiency and strategy
♦ Geo targeting ♦ Ads alignment with personas
♦ Effectiveness of ad extensions ♦ Ad performance
♦ Conversion tracking set up ♦ Conversion tracking set up
♦ Competitive metrics ♦ Demographic reporting

Request a Digital Advertising Waste Assessment

Take a deeper dive into paid advertising best practices with our experts.

Clients who trust TSL Marketing
