
You are cordially invited to an exclusive event hosted and presented by TSL Marketing & Google.  Details regarding the event include:

Audience:  B2B Technology Manufacturers, Distributors and Solution Providers

Date & Time:  Wednesday - May 24th, 2017 from 10:30AM-4:30PM EST


  • 10:30AM-12:00PM  Google Presentation on the Age of the Customer - Digital Transformation; B2B Technology Facts, Figures and Buyers Journey
  • 12:00PM-12:30PM  Lunch
  • 12:30PM-1:30PM    TSL Marketing Presentation on Lead Nurturing & Progression Best Practices; Closed-Loop and Agile Marketing Systems; Panel Discussion
  • 1:30PM-4:30PM      Reception & Blue Angels Air Show   

Location:  Annapolis, MD

Venue:  The Blackwall Hitch

Attraction:  The Blue Angels Air Show

Please Complete the Registration Form

Blue Angels.png
Who Will Be Speaking?
Seenu Brahmarouthu, Google, Strategic Partnerships Manager
David English, TSL Marketing, President
Brian Shilling, TSL Marketing, Vice President
     Map Of Event Location: